
Snap Beauty| Beauty Salon Southend

8 Tips to Tackle Special Occasion Makeup

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8 Tips to Tackle Special Occasion Makeup

Everyone has their go-to day makeup and their toned up night makeup, down to absolute perfection. But when it comes to a special occasion, such as a wedding, Christmas party, show or big event, you might want to jazz your look up a little!

There are numerous party opportunities to get involved in and there is always a popular time to try and be a bit more adventurous with your makeup routine. As a makeup artist, we can help.  The key trick with special occasion makeup is keeping it simple, try not to overdo it.

#1 Amplify Your Natural Undertones

Something to try is to amplify your natural undertones, whether it’s winter or summer. It doesn’t matter if you have pale skin or warmer tones, the undertone of your skin defines your natural beauty. It’s also what makes a shade of makeup look different on you than on someone else.

#2 Add Some Shimmer

How about trying that bold lipstick colour that you love but never have the guts to wear? Partner that with a small dose of added shimmer to your cheekbones over your normal blush shade. This will make face glisten in the light, making you feel a lot more glamourous and your skin looking extra luminous.

#3 Make Your Eyes Stand Out!

If you’re really ready to step out without your normal eyeshadow routine, try going for a smokey look. Or tone it up with some darker shades to make your eyes stand out for the appropriate occasion! Little added bonus, apply a frosty, cream highlight to inner corners of your eyes and thank us later. Your pretty eyes will stand out so much!

#4 Don’t Leave it to Chance

Getting married? As a bride, your wedding makeup is possibly one of the most, if not THE most important makeup occasion that you may ever have. Whether you want a natural look or a makeup style that you’ve been dreaming of, at Snap Beauty Salon, we can help you out with our wedding makeup service!

#5 Practice, Practice, Practice!

If you really want to perfect your makeup look for yourself then make sure you take time out of your big day to get ready! One thing we do suggest, this is not the time to experiment on makeup. Practice, practice and practice your technique and you will achieve the perfect look and you’ll have the best day.

#6 Treat Yourself to a Tan

Another great tip for special occasions is to treat yourself to a spray tan, you don’t want to look washed out in any photographs.

#7 Make it Waterproof

Finally, please, do not forget your WATERPROOF eyeliner and mascara. We guarantee tears on special occasions such as weddings so avoid the dread of having your makeup running down your face.

#8 Treat Your Skin

Overall, when it comes to creating a great new look for your special occasions, be sure to treat your skin with extra care up to 6 months before a big event, to make sure your skin is perfectly clear and easy to work with.

Need help with your special occasion makeup? Get in touch with us today!

